Boot the BIOS update tools of MSI's K9N2 SLI Platinum / K9N2 Zilent using PXE
March 2012.
Create the image:
You will need:
- (or newer)
- FreeDOS
zwm-server:~/msi# wget ""
zwm-server:~/msi# wget ""
Mount the FreeDOS image and unzip the utility:
zwm-server:~/msi# mkdir fdboot ourimage
zwm-server:~/msi# unzip
zwm-server:~/msi# mount -o loop fdboot.img fdboot
Create and mount a 3MB fat image:
zwm-server:~/msi# dd if=/dev/zero of=ourimage.img bs=1M count=3
zwm-server:~/msi# apt-get install dosfstools
zwm-server:~/msi# mkfs.msdos ourimage.img
zwm-server:~/msi# mount -o loop ourimage.img ourimage
Copy the FreeDOS files and the CD contents to the newly created image disk:
zwm-server:~/msi# cp -r fdboot/* ourimage/
zwm-server:~/msi# mkdir ourimage/msi
zwm-server:~/msi# cp -r 7374v39/* ourimage/msi/
Umount eveything:
zwm-server:~/msi# umount ourimage/
zwm-server:~/msi# umount fdboot/
Copy the boot sector from the original FreeDOS image to ours:
zwm-server:~/western# dd if=fdboot.img of=ourimage.img bs=1 count=446 seek=62 skip=62 conv=notrunc
Boot the image:
What you need:
- pxelinux.0
- memdisk
- pxelinux's config file (pxelinux.cfg/default):
DEFAULT msi_bios
LABEL msi_bios
KERNEL memdisk
INITRD ourimage.img
Boot your computer, start FreeDOS and run the BIOS update utility from the MSI folder.
- MSI Global â Mainboard - K9N2 SLI Platinum / K9N2 Zilent:
- (Free)DOS over PXE
- FreeDOS on bigger disk image